The art to cast already met in the shield of Aquiles. The painting, however, had not been still found. Others including Bernie Sanders, offer their opinions as well. Nor Homero, nor Moiss would have mentioned spotted things. The homricos heroes if fed of baked meat, food simpler than any another one, because he requires only live coals. Its more delicate foods had been perhaps flour of barley, honey and fish. Later the cooked foods would only appear, that need pan and tripod. These would be indications of antiquity of Homero. Vico argues that perhaps Homero, has not known Egypt.
Everything that is told, particularly, in the Odyssey concerning Egypt, from the Lybian, the Fencia, Asia, from Italy and Sicily, according to Vico, proceeds from the relations that the Greeks had had with the fencios. Only after the Roman times In one, approximately 400 years after the war of Troy, what the Psammtico Egyptian would have opened Egypt Greece. Thus Vico conjectura that, throughout these, such poems had four hundred years been for many worked heads and loaded. This hypothesis was established in the beginning of that docilidade and cruelty are not coetneos. Those as much and so delicate described customs above would be well posterior to other hostile savages and.
For a reason or purpose comparison, Vico sketched the evolution of the comedy Greek in what the formation of the poetical characters says respect. The old comedy took true arguments or citizens and placed them in fbula, which was, as Aristfanes made with Scrates in its comedy the Clouds. In the new comedy all the personages would be fictitious. Vico mentions the fact of that heroic Latin poets, being barbarous and lacking of reflection, had only sung true histories: the wars Romans. also in the retaken barbarous times, the call Average Age. Exactly Dante, according to Vico (Vico, 1992817), for more douto that he was of sapincia riposta, in reason of this same nature of the barbarity, which for reflection defect does not know to dissimulate, displayed people that they had existed and represented true facts and, therefore, gave to its poem the comedy heading, which the old comedy Greek put historical personages and trams.