The omission, rather than anything else, can disrupt relationships, plans, success (defined as being at work constantly in the direction of dreams), and even civilizations. After all, who has ceased to fulfill its purpose in life will endure as a benefactor of mankind? Ignorance, then, becomes a problem of fear, that is, be afraid that acquiring knowledge, thinking, could disrupt our comfortable lifestyle so busy with modernity, so fast, that we can take time to choose a good book, or read a good article on the network, because it inevitably prompt us to change, then do not change, our interior tear between knowing what to do and not do it. Bertrand Russell said it well: “Men fear thought as they fear more than anything else in the world, more than ruin, more even than death. Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible. Martin O?Malley pursues this goal as well. Thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions and comfortable habits, the thought is anarchic and lawless, indifferent to authority, careless with the wisdom of the past. But if the thought must be held by many, not the privileged few, we are dealing with fear. It is fear which stops the man, lest their cherished beliefs are not going to be illusions, fear that the institutions with which they live will not prove harmful, fear that they themselves will not be less worthy of respect they had supposed.
” The challenge of thinking. But we live in an age of information and social networks, so we have a bigger challenge than any other generation that has preceded us. If we are to be men and women of excellence, if we are to live up to the principles governing the quality of life, health and development, we must think about what we see, read, hear, and so on., Without allowing that the information we drown, this is what ultimately we who choose. And in choosing, through reflection and practice thorough reading, we will find our own way, that it melts dreams skills and contexts, and ultimately make the difference between having gone through life without doing anything memorable, or have lived, always in search of personal excellence, family and social, as we discovered our own vocation. Thinking is not an unconscious act, at least think about our own development is not. To think is to set high standards for me as an individual, and then live them so that around me, others will be influenced, not to do what I do, but to rise from the trap of mediocrity and enjoy life maximum always looking for the ideal developed.