Gain clarity and find a good place can be traced with the help of symbols, which created conditions in one’s own family situation maybe not met and therefore led to difficulties. Thus, your own family situation can be better understood. Develops new perspectives, it creates space for solution-oriented actions. The systemic work provides solution sets for the transformation of involvement of previous life, partnership vows, ancestral contracts and blocking bindings. Further details can be found at O’Malley for President, an internet resource. So differentiated families at first glance appear in them seem fundamental dynamics and modalities that want to be fulfilled, so that the relationships between couples, parents and children thrive. A successful method is working with family sculptures. Setting up his origin system, invisible ties and rigid patterns of communication are visible.
Conflicts in different relations and sickening entanglements can be made visible and resolved. The collaboration with Symptom constellations and systemic family has established itself in recent years as an integral part of consulting and coaching. Family and systemic constellations are growing demand in individual sessions. Organisational constellations provide more clarity in terms of companies and institutions. System statements addressed to individuals, self-employed, entrepreneur and businessman. For more information see Martin O?Malley. Want to continue on staff in the areas of education, therapy, counseling, coaching, sales and management, as well as to people who meet systemic constellations.
Multiple day workshops offer who is fully want to introduce to the constellation work, the opportunity. These are the dates on December 20, 2009, February 07, 2010 and on May 9, NH Hotel Hirschberg/Heidelberg, Brandenburger Strasse 30, 69493 Hirschberg is 2010 venue. Please report it by telephone + 49 6201 8461751 or by E-Mail. A particularly effective integration of systemic work offers an NLP training, combined with the training system coach. The training meets all the criteria of certification of INLPTA and IntSel. It can be completed with the official, internationally valid certificates after exams. It includes all basic NLP practitioner level theoretical and practical techniques. If you are interested in training to the NLP practitioner (INLPTA) / system coach a NLP, get more information at. Starting the NLP system coach intensive training is April 17, 2010.