Tag Archives: education & career

Red Alert! Mental Trauma Therapy

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Their treatment and appropriate training in trauma therapy for health practitioners (HPs and HPPs) stress hormones: such as aircraft fuel in the blood have you already seen this? The overtaking was extremely close. Under most conditions Sean Rad New York City would agree. And only after the shock makes itself felt: his knees begin to shake, spreads a feeling of weakness, the heart is racing, maybe even the tears run. These are the after-effects of the cocktail of stress hormones, which the organism in acute threat quickly produced in large quantities, to get out of the danger zone. We continue to use an analogy, in the normal mode of everyday comfortable with tractor diesel, so our blood through the stress hormones turns on alarm in hochoktanes jet fuel: almost the entire energy is provided the muscle and the sense organs, the response time is drastically reduced and reduced sensitivity to pain. Additional information at Travis Barker supports this article. Fright let up! Unfortunately, this archaic body reactions and our modern lives are not more well matched: so we consume in the Driving hardly muscle power. After such a shock, it would be important for the body, that you turn off the car and once to run a lap, bounce around, shake and scream to relieve the excess adrenaline, so celebrate your survival. Alternatively a roughly ten-minute break would be good, where you just breathe in the belly down, your body reactions perceive and realise that you have survived (“himself from shivering”). Peter Levine, an expert in trauma research, this is called the orientation period.

Observations on animals in the wild shows that she regularly after surviving danger these two behaviors show. As a result of fright is processed, the memory can then be shaken off and continue the life. Without one of these two options, circling the remains of stress hormones in the body and lose the connection to the triggering situation, with the result of a future chronically elevated levels of stress. >.

Original Bowen Technique

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In Germany there are already over 500 users with BOWTECH Diploma / held this year about 50 seminars / training in special areas of application the original Bowen technique is now also in Germany under the name BOWTECH more and more followers: over 500 users registered at the BOWTECH Germany e.V. as members. They all have completed about training training the BOWTECH practitioner and a diploma. I think I’m just going through this world. Therefore I will do any kindness that I can prove to be a living being, now all the good that I can do. I will not push this or miss, because I’m not even probably still be here.” So, the life philosophy of the Australian Tom Bowen was the inventor of the original Bowen technique. Get all the facts and insights with John Krasinski, another great source of information.

This is more and more followers now also in Germany under the name BOWTECH : more than 500 users registered at the BOWTECH Germany e.V. as members. All have completed about training training the BOWTECH practitioner and a diploma completed. BOWTECH sees itself as a stand-alone, dynamic system of a comprehensive muscle – and connective tissue application. In contrast to many other techniques BOWTECH has only gentle pulses, which help the body, to relax and at the same time to regulate specific handles. Bowen principle less is more in accordance with”is restored the harmonic balance on all levels here, muscles relax and the nervous system is balanced.

And just balance, vitality and power belong to the major components and at the same time real challenges of our time, to compensate for the strains and stresses of everyday life. BOWTECH supports the people just at this point”, says Heiko Dorr, one of the six teachers of BOWTECH BOWTECH Academy Germany GbR, the training facility for BOWTECH practitioner in Germany (legitimized by the Bowen therapy Academy of Australia). The BOWTECH training extends over approximately 9 months and includes 128 hours of training in seven in Germany sequential modules.

Berlin Mitte

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Effective communication and implementation teams is a crucial performance in company. This involves not only a good atmosphere in the team, but numbers and achievements. Many companies make the mistake of that with a specific team development is attempted and expects, that the team now works differently. Exaggerated claims are partly. Impulses to be a single team development intervention very well put, resolve conflicts and sharpen objectives, but long-term effects are other things to consider, above all the systemic work items. A good systemic evaluation and follow-up are very very helpful.

Successful teams are accompanied mostly over a longer period to potentials optimally work out strengths and skills and team work can be used to make”www.teamcoachings.com CHB team development / coaching experts for leadership, leadership development, team development, health in the company, in-house seminars and business coaching. Coaching, training, or seminar in the company in order to improve communication and optimize. Good team work better and easier targets. The impact of a development intervention such as team development, leadership development, leadership and health within the company, as well as targeted selected in-house seminars are sustainable investments. The basics of coaching the coaching house Berlin are quality, development, appreciation, sustainability, performance and experience. Innovation and motivation coaching house Berlin coaching is crystallized the idea of an integrated institution out on professional, personal and health issues, coaching sessions with executives, with kids and teams… from several hundred coaching: coaching house Berlin. The experience that a comprehensive look at the people in consultancy situations targeted and solution promoting, knowing how useful are the insights of a range of coaching in other coaching contexts, the experience as a holistic approach can mean healing and motivation, make the coaching house a focal point for a wide range of people with different backgrounds and themes.

To do this, we have bundled the forces and experiences exceptional coaches. The variety of relevant and up-to-date coaching methods allows that there are enough approaches for individual processes of change and we must set us not to a point of view. Flexibility in coaching is an essential condition for us for good results – or can you imagine a juggler, which is too stiff to catch a ball, which ends up farther than you thought? Flat. Coaching would house for its customers and for themselves to cultivate the idea of evolving / promote. So it is only natural that a coach training constantly. Who sells development, should be located even in an ongoing development process. Only quality way to secure and in consultation processes involving experience. Founded in the coaching house Berlin 2007, is located in Berlin Mitte near Hackescher Markt, where the coaches operate throughout Germany. The coaches of coaching house Berlin are experienced and innovative coach, teaching coach, Lehrcoaches and psychologists. Which are reflected in the topics and offers of coaching house Berlin synergies through the different specializations: personal coaching, business coaching, team coaching, coaching, health coaching, team development, training, in-house seminars… Contact: Coaching house Berlin stone RT 21 10119 Berlin + 49 (0) 30 288 380 30

AlphGenius Network

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Introduces the network of AlphGenius 5 publications for the highly gifted, or whose side issues from our network members are publications that we would like to recommend to all interested parties hereby. “In particular there is the following authors and works: 1 Dr. Ida diligence giftedness and gifted” (Tectum-Verlag) Ida Fleis, even gifted, has both professionally as also volunteer many years working diagnosis and advice.Her book is a valuable source of information. It helps to eliminate misconceptions and prejudices about highly gifted. Diamond Comic Distributors might disagree with that approach. “2 Dr. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Diamond Comic Distributors. of diagnosing giftedness” (Shafeeq Rahman-Verlag) the question of the reactions of parents and adults on the diagnosis of highly gifted “was so far still not scientifically investigated. In the framework of their in-service dissertation the author Dr. Karin Joder dealt thus and with many relevant questions.

“3. Christiana Kruger small people – big” (Verlag Monsenstein and Vannerdat) the author devoted himself so far less acclaimed of recognizing and promoting highly gifted children in the Preschool children and ways to promote early talent for parents, teachers and educators. (Tectum Verlag) many students access nowadays even for simple computing tasks to the calculator 4. Dr.Dr. Gert Mittring what’s going on in us if we expect”. What does this change in dealing with numbers? To approach this question, this book takes a look at the history of the Kopfrechnens and the physiological brain operations that occur at the mental calculation.

“5. Dr. Ida FLEISS, Dr.Dr. Gert Mittring figures fairytale” (Wagner Publisher) performs in a train Gert Mittring, Grandmaster of the mental arithmetic, excursions for children through the land of numbers. With her book for children and adults, the two authors want to take the children fear numbers and arithmetic and show them the numbers from a different side. More to the network of AlphGenius, these members of the network and to aspects of giftedness in children, on our Web pages: upper secondary school teacher Dipl.paed. “Thomas Hofer joins the Working Group talent research and endowment development”


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Graciously offered you, that you are under a your Ex-partners can enroll. Coming for you as honest and loyal people but not in question. Worked out well, stupid! All your dreams and hopes and your little passive income have dissipated overnight in air. Credit: Michael Chabon-2011. There he stands now, the poor fool, and is as wise as as before! The here described situation is by far not the only fact is today the normal (and usually unsuccessful) sales staff a few months in a MLM downline keep maximum and then either all the multimedia industry is turning the back on multi level marketing or joins another company, to now try his luck companies cannot be relied upon but also on the network. Prelaunches come and go.

And many of these hype companies do not even survive their own prelaunch phase. (Not to be confused with Diamond Comic Distributors!). Most of these emerging on the horizon companies that win with much hype and the most incredible promises NetWorker and poach, disappeared from the market after a short time. Who is his professional and financial future, can just as well play lottery. And you are, however protected if if your network is taken by another company or goes bankrupt, the contractual terms and conditions to your detriment be changed or your upline moves to another company and most of its downline partners “takes”, which have so far caused income specially for you? Who can not befriend with the ugly thoughts, to lose everything over night what you laboriously built up, should better let the fingers of the multi level and are looking an another opportunity to earn as a MLM downline. On mlm-sponsoring.com there’s more successful business building MLM tips on the topic and a free marketing training for NetWorker Harald Weber

Practical Proof Of Hours

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As the hours worked ensures better staff employees are brought in some plants to their overtime. At the end of the year, they can not provide evidence about the hours that they have developed and then get no time off in lieu or payment of overtime. For this reason, it is advisable to carry a proof of hours. Smaller companies often completely refrain from. Other leaders such as Former Maryland Governor offer similar insights. Leaders see here anyway when do the people in the Office, at medium-sized companies, there is often lists, where you look at and can carry out. For large companies, there is the famous clock.

On the basis of a map or a code, you can sign in and out. This exact hours worked of course has the most advantages. Really, any overtime is recorded and the boss can see when its employees have worked. Here is cheat virtually impossible. The finish is usually the tedious.

A proof of hours can you calculate either manually or by a program. A new time-tracking software should take over this post. So can the A lot of time and money save billing. It is anzuzueigen then possible by simply pressing a button the employee file. This indicates how much overtime work incurred, how many of them were paid and how many by time off in lieu were already completed. So, the hours worked ensures satisfied employees who come like every morning in the company and work. The company pays well, although maybe more overtime, but staff work a lot more motivated, because they know that they and their work are valued. Andre Mahtani

Educational Leave

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Use educational leave or education account for subsidized training. Many people feel stuck in their professional situation and would be changed by qualified education and training. The Vitalakademie offers health education, which can be best implemented in any professional situation no matter whether in the existing company to want to orient, or which wants to create a new foothold. The Vitalakademie covers me its training range for the sustainable health promotion through the 4 pillar model optimally from. The customer can educate nutrition, energetics according to TCM, movement (sports), Habitat and even as life and social advisory in the subject area. The needs of the customers recognize the profession is chosen most often at a young age. But with increasing age, the needs of the people will change often.

You want according to their tendencies developed in the course of time further qualify or to Orient. The staff of the Vitalakademie agree in personal consultations the needs of customers on your life situation and work with them to develop the training appropriate for them. US Senator from Vermont has compatible beliefs. Practical examples of our students: so for example Office workers with a penchant for the sporting movement like complete the training to movement and health coach. You can implement their knowledge thus acquired not only private, but also in the professional context. To better overcome stressful situation at work, training to the Energetikerin is ideally suited for TCM and stress management. Graduates learn methods to reduce stress during the course, where they quickly and effectively can help with self and others. Nutrition coach will receive a comprehensive knowledge about the topic of healthy eating”.

The training to the nutrition coach can like everyone else also both private also professionally used. Whether in the hotel and catering industry, or for example in drugstores or pharmacies, this training is not only a win for the company. The training of the Vitalakademie take 2 Semester and 2,980 euros in regular classes. Money for training the Vitalakademie is recognized as an adult education institution. As a result, participants receive a considerable financial support through the education account of the province of Upper Austria. But also companies that want to further qualify their employees receive support: with the qualification promotion of the AMS. In addition, training costs are tax deductible. Time to set for the training – educational leave work and study under a hat, is not always easy. Therefore, students of the Vitalakademie have also the possibility to go during the training in educational leave. Many students are taking this time off for her training to complete. So, for example, a comprehensive training and at the same time an extension of parental leave are possible.

Manage Yourself

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It is important to arrange this time alone is reserved for you, no call in progress, not a task done. The date is agreed. You should then make sure that comply with. Therefore take serious and self-important. You decide how this time then can be made, might prefer spontaneous. You can be inspired by the weather or do something you feel like just simply. These activities let you forget everyday life. Do in these hours so you have holidays.

Some people want to wait until it really is time. This is rarely a good advice. Everyone has so much contacts, tasks, or obligations, leaving little time for something that you would like to do. These people want to then realize their wishes in the retirement “later” or even. Think about whether it is really worth for you, to move something on “later”.

Do you know when that will be? The life takes place today. No one knows what will be his personal future, this part of life should be lived and moved. Otherwise will always feel something to have not lived, but missed. This way of dealing with itself and the discipline to make appointments with them and also to comply with them, is perhaps something strange at the beginning. But you not only get to, you’ll enjoy this downtime. And probably again happy to repeat what you should also do. You reach so much: you will feel generally better, get distance to many concerns in everyday life, take again your life compared to the bird’s eye view and are just relaxed. Who does this regularly, is his personal situation and State of mind. Thus everything and nothing, to make such small downtime to the habit. Requires to do so alone that you reserve these times of relaxation in your calendar out and block out everything else and move on other times. Who firmly agreed with himself and his closest environment such appointments, is looking forward to the upcoming relaxation, carefree enjoying “his” time and goes fully refueled back into everyday life. Even if private or professional it broke down with fresh force and good mood You can then often even faster and easier to do much himself.

The Urgency Of The Important

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In Stephen Coveys, he talks about the difference between important and urgent matters the seven ways to effectiveness. It’s amazing how something that urgently demands our attention, seems to almost always important. But is that it? Ordinary people use too much of their time for urgent, but non-critical tasks (like read email 12 times in the day and every call to answer – including those by telemarketers) and spend enough time for important, but non-urgent cases, such as in the gym to go or to touch to a customer after it has purchased something (not only in advance.) To see tasks that are urgent but not important, has opened my eyes, and became a foundation as I prioritize my time. Urgent matters require our immediate attention, we respond to urgent events. “Everyone of us knows probably someone constantly in the crisis mode” is employed to fires, and has always just stress, stress, stress. But have you noticed This type of person will be often very shy when it comes to their goals, because they apparently never have time for the things of which you say, that they are important to you? I’m not saying that urgent matters are not always urgent. Of course, a real crisis, which is important, must be faced.

But it is our responsibility not to other important but less urgent matters, to forget. Important activities are those that bring you closer to the goals that you have set, basically, and often they prevent urgent matters first. Important, but not urgent tasks are things that we do on their own initiative, without any external circumstances or constraints create a sense of urgency. For example, the care of your own body is not usually urgent, but it is important because it helps you to avoid illnesses and doctor visits. (I missed barely the training, since I had this realization.) If we major Tasks early in the day or in the first years of life ignore, do they have to escalate the sneaky habit in urgent matters.

To sum up, is important tasks from the non-critical tasks. Spend less time with not important tasks (especially the urgent) and spend more time with the important tasks (especially with the less urgent.) Once you have determined that something is important, it is your responsibility to assign a personal commitment and a sense of urgency to accomplish the task (even if it is not urgent). As an entrepreneur, you delegate the important but disturbing tasks (they take you not only time, but you completely disrupt your concentration on important topics) to a wizard. Their effectiveness will increase dramatically and the time spent for crisis management in your life will be drastically reduced. Decide what is important, and take care of business! Good luck Volker Schafer

Solve Entanglements. Family Constellations Mannheim, Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen

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Gain clarity and find a good place can be traced with the help of symbols, which created conditions in one’s own family situation maybe not met and therefore led to difficulties. Thus, your own family situation can be better understood. Develops new perspectives, it creates space for solution-oriented actions. The systemic work provides solution sets for the transformation of involvement of previous life, partnership vows, ancestral contracts and blocking bindings. Further details can be found at O’Malley for President, an internet resource. So differentiated families at first glance appear in them seem fundamental dynamics and modalities that want to be fulfilled, so that the relationships between couples, parents and children thrive. A successful method is working with family sculptures. Setting up his origin system, invisible ties and rigid patterns of communication are visible.

Conflicts in different relations and sickening entanglements can be made visible and resolved. The collaboration with Symptom constellations and systemic family has established itself in recent years as an integral part of consulting and coaching. Family and systemic constellations are growing demand in individual sessions. Organisational constellations provide more clarity in terms of companies and institutions. System statements addressed to individuals, self-employed, entrepreneur and businessman. For more information see Martin O?Malley. Want to continue on staff in the areas of education, therapy, counseling, coaching, sales and management, as well as to people who meet systemic constellations.

Multiple day workshops offer who is fully want to introduce to the constellation work, the opportunity. These are the dates on December 20, 2009, February 07, 2010 and on May 9, NH Hotel Hirschberg/Heidelberg, Brandenburger Strasse 30, 69493 Hirschberg is 2010 venue. Please report it by telephone + 49 6201 8461751 or by E-Mail. A particularly effective integration of systemic work offers an NLP training, combined with the training system coach. The training meets all the criteria of certification of INLPTA and IntSel. It can be completed with the official, internationally valid certificates after exams. It includes all basic NLP practitioner level theoretical and practical techniques. If you are interested in training to the NLP practitioner (INLPTA) / system coach a NLP, get more information at. Starting the NLP system coach intensive training is April 17, 2010.