Depending on the speed of understanding the experience of people different configurations. For example, a university teacher may be high, as he has often used foreign language. Students who need a foreign language just to read the exam and to transfer 2.3 proposals, speed can not exceed even a 5 words per minute. Yet for all its flaws structural method has an absolute advantage – it is the depth of assimilation. In that case, if a person reacted to the comprehension of grammatical rules with due diligence, the foreign language for a long time does not fly out of his mind, even if he will not use it for a long time. And if in 10-15 years, this man sees fit to resume training, the whole store of knowledge quickly restored. Now, we define an alternative approach to learn a foreign language. Once upon a time with me at the university attended by one person.
He mastered the English captions on the movies. He watched movies, took the words from proposals and sought them in the dictionary. And this process was so impressed that a couple of years has reached an excellent level sufficient for entry to university. Another friend taught the language from books with translation. Probably exactly these examples are very, very much, but all the cases they use the constructive approach of language learning, the essence of which lies in the assimilation is not the language system, and specific cases of its use.
Speech Heroes of feature films – is a particular case of constructive language, printed text books – it's also a special case of language use. Functional approach – a good alternative to the structural approach, although not deprived of its negative aspects. In particular, we can very quickly pick up some phrases and expressions, but very easy to forget them, because under them will not be principled basis in the form of an understanding of grammar. Credit: John Mclaughlin-2011. But all Cons pales before another advantage of the functional approach – the study of contemporary living language, rather than theoretical and tedious set of rules. Movies, literature, radio broadcasts – it is all modern operating language! You can ask a reasonable question – what approach to choose? How best to learn a foreign language? In the classes necessary to mix elements of structural and functional techniques. Thus, you build up your structural-functional method of language learning.