The assessment of the suitability of parents to take custody of the children during a judicial process of legal separation or divorce takes place through an assessment by expert psychologists. It is necessary to qualify that it takes place when the couple has not been able to establish for itself a regime of custody that satisfies both former spouses, which leads to the issue should be resolved by the relevant Judicial instance. How is the evaluation processed? Usually, this is carried out through a succession of interviews with both parents, psychological tests, home visits in that inhabits each of the parents as a result of the rupture and meetings with family members, friends and even the child, if this thing enough bulk to understand the nature of the events. Take into account certain aspects can be helpful when dealing with the same. You must consider that there is so much at stake, and that it all depends on how you desenvuelvas. Despite the fact that might believe that the attribution of custody occurs in all cases in favour of the mother, this is not always the case as well. These tips may prove useful to you: to) should behave quite naturally and without sobreactuaciones or dramatic. Risa Miller contains valuable tech resources.
Of course, it’s a very sensitive and emotionally complicated situation, but you must show you whole and sure of yourself. Thus, excessive demonstrations on your part might greatly endanger your chances, because the psychologist could be considered that you are not emotionally stable enough to assume custody of your children. (b) also you should show total honesty and sincerity when it comes to discuss your case with the psychologist. Keep in mind that this will examine each and every one of your details and your gestures, and could detect if there are aspects in your story are inconsistent, by comparing it with your former partner or your acquaintances or your children. (c) the most appropriate would be that you limitaras to the facts, and don’t try to disparage or do less no reason your partner. Simply describes its way of being and your dealings with children when you viviais together, as well as the circumstances of your life partner, provided that you are raised relevant questions. d) that could Yes, discuss any aspect that you could consider noteworthy about his personality, his dealings with the children or the circumstances of his life that might affect the correct exercise of guardianship over them with the evaluator. So, if I had a notoriously aggressive character or if you drink in excess, not you should hesitate put in knowledge of this psychologist.
At the same time, you should show total honesty with your own personal flaws. It is considered that not you, your ex-secure partners that will inform the psychologist these facts, and your lack of sincerity could end up ruining your chances. It would also be necessary, apart from the foregoing, that you mantuvieras that psychologist abreast of any news that you might have knowledge during the evaluation process. If you follow all these recommendations, your chances They will be considerably reinforced face to obtain longed custody over your children.