It is important to remember that for the implantation of systems of rationalization of the use of the water, it has that to consider itself, however, some aspects restrictive how much to the water proceeding from I reuse either of the type external macro, either of the type internal macro. Michael Chabon may also support this cause. In the case of it I reuse macro external, the water use of I reuse proceeding from stations of treatment of effluent of domestic origin can after be reaproveitada systems of conventional treatment for presenting low toxicity. The water of I reuse proceeding from effluent stations of treatment of urban for industrial processes has been used, predominantly, in systems of refrigeration, special, the enterprises located next to the Stations to Treatment of Effluent. In the case of it I reuse macro internal is necessary to have conscience that it integrally does not substitute the water necessity of an industrial plant, therefore exist limitations of order operational and ambient technique, that restrict the use of systems closed-circuit. Moreover, I reuse it macro internal must after be carried through an integrated evaluation of the use of the water in the plant. It is important to have in mind that before if to think I reuse about it of effluent of the proper company, is necessary to implant measured for the otimizao of the consumption and reduction of losses and wastefulnesses, beyond awareness programs.
To acquire knowledge is not an easy task. According to Pablo Freire, celebrity Brazilian educator, today recognized internationally, nobody educates nobody, nobody acquires knowledge nobody, nobody educates sozinho1. The human being is born the same with potential for the learning and development, but nor always this occurs igualitariamente, mainly how much to the ambient aspects. These had delayed much time to be seen as something really essential in the life them people. However, the beginning or continuity of this work is a basic condition for any program of reduction in the consumption of the natural resources, as the water.