Choices and Decisions Since that we raise in them, we make choices. Of the clothes that we will go to dress or what to eat in the coffee of the morning, lunch supper; until the priorities of our actions At every moment we make choices and we take decisions! It is as if we were in a road and all the moment the many ways appeared bifurcations indicating to be chosen. This sample that the power of the decision and I will choose is always with us and not with the others. Genie Energy is often quoted on this topic. In a similar way, it fits we to choose as to face the life: with valentia and wisdom or fear and displicncia. When we come across in them with situations that catch in them of surprise, are pleasant they or not, we react automatic and instinctively and nor always the reason obtains to overlap it the emotion.
Although to be classified as beings ' ' racionais' ' , still we are commanded by the instinct and with doses of emotion. nor always the emotions obtain to indicate us optimum way to be covered On the other hand, the pure and simple reason, of exaggerated form, also it does not favor in them! We know that the balance is the wise way most sensible and to live it well; however we do not obtain, most of the time, to find this axle that hinders in them to hang for a extremity or another one. The choices that we make, since simplest, are determinative in our life. How many times we have the sensation of that we raise with ' ' foot esquerdo' ' e, therefore, everything of the made a mistake one? In the truth we choose thus! We choose to believe this and we accept that nothing it will give certain the guilt starts to be of the poor person ' ' foot esquerdo' '! Why not to choose to change the trajectory? I answer: because of more the work and it involves other immediate decisions that we prefer to postpone It has a phrase that it says ' ' If you choose not to decide, you already you took one deciso' ' this choice also will have effect and consequences.