Customer loyalty before finding goes after the money only about 4 percent of dissatisfied customers complain, but all unhappy customers speak – in one for the company under circumstances of fatal snowball effect with ten to fifteen other active or potential customers about their dissatisfaction. Due to ever more complex organizational structures and processes, many companies turn to its gaze very inward. Fewer and fewer people come in direct contact with the customer. Requirements and needs of customers are no longer from my own experience, but only in very vague notions present. Expose you to the great danger that, that the customer always also moves and is always strange in his anonymity. In addition to the revenue potential of the existing customer base, especially for the money versus customer acquisition to customer retention plays a role: for attracting new customers, the acquisition costs in the first year, almost always about the gains to be achieved from this customer education. Only in the course of the The individual contribution of customer margin increases business relationship. An explanation for this is that you rather can adjust the custom cost customers who you know, on the level, which is derived from the individual requirements of the customers.
Unknown customers an overselling is contrary, reasons often”, i.e. They may provide services, which are not strictly necessary. BusinessIntelligence publications by a number of deals with these (and other) questions, so for example, Becker, Jorg: intellectual capital report with customer barometer capital of customer relations, 2009, ISBN 978 3 8370 5177 3. The business with existing customers bring usually the highest profit cost ratio compared to customer acquisition to customer retention hardly anywhere else similarly high profit potential can be utilised danger, that the customer is always strange in his anonymity is a prerequisite for the emergence of customer satisfaction, that post-purchase experience expectations Excel before you buy. Last but not least involves also the question, how a product functions, features or services accumulate so can, for it by the customers higher prices than for comparable products to accept. But only the customer with his wishes, needs, requirements, values, behaviors, etc.
is always the actual addressee for the core of business performance. The distinguishing features of a product in the market are low, the more the purchase decision of the customer on the experiences after the purchase made by the product and the support shifted. Just at the key replacement stages for a sustainable market success through expansion, additional or resales, the factor of customer satisfaction plays the decisive role. Customers feedback here mostly don’t like an”about the level of their satisfaction, because it means work. Their displeasure is expressed not usually immediately, but rather creeping”. When is the customer then finally once the competition returning, it’s already too late for corrective measures on the part of the supplier. It’s so, to be able to capture the reason for satisfaction as well of discontent as early as possible and just. Dipl.Kfm. Jorg Becker