

The learning human being, therefore is determined by interaction between the individual and the way, of which participates the biological aspects, psychological and social. In the movement to look for to understand these aspects he is that psicopedagogo constructs its work, aiming at to the reduction of the learning problems and of the failure pertaining to school it is in this context of multiple interactions that the playful activities are used in the psicopedaggico diagnosis, therefore make with that the children disclose aspects that do not appear in more formal situations of the diagnosis. Thus, the psicopedagogia aims at to search the improvement of the relations with the learning, as well as the improvement of the quality in the construction of the proper learning of pupils and educators. It is, therefore, evidenced the essencialidade of the playful one in the psicopedaggico work, as much in the clinical aspect how much in the institucional one. In the proper diagnosis, this can be faced as a possibility to understand the functioning of the cognitivos and affective-social processes. 4 CONCLUSION In transcorrer of this article in to send the reflections on the importance of playing in the infantile education, having been possible to desvelar that the ludicidade is of extreme relevance for the integral development of the child and is indispensable elements to the relationship with other people. Thus, the child establishes with the games and the tricks a natural relation and obtains to extravasar its sadnesses and joys, you distress, enthusiasms, passividades and agressividades, are by means of the trick that the child becomes involved in the game and allotment with the other, in the psicopedaggica vision this assist in the prevention and diagnosis of learning problems, therefore the psicopedagogia studies the act to learn and to teach, taking always in account the realities internal and external of the learning.