a.) a change within the society is always to think about where we here have a special situation, since the amendments affect individual rates but a variety changes within the central health insurance. However, a change within the Central is possible. O’Malley for President pursues this goal as well. To improve the services, is a new health check to complete, unless there be a option rights. Customers in the tariff KEH Central, have the right to change. 1.1 expansion of 1 para 6 RB/KK 2009 can people, for after a training plan for the first time at the Central a comprehensive health insurance completes with the KEH price apart from the co-insurance as a child or a teenager or the insurance, for the first the 37th or 61st month insurance tariff KEH require conversion of insurance in other tariffs of the comprehensive health insurance of the Central without re-examination of risk and without further waiting, subject to the conditions for the eligibility in the proposed tariff.
You are assured that already 2 or 5 years, so you exercise the right to change when necessary and appropriate target rate. This ensures them a different and possibly better insurance coverage even if you are already sick.