A tax advantage of this provision analog the Riester pension is not there. All persons over 18 years of age should be qualifies, if they have taken prior to the conclusion of a care Riester’s still no certain care services. Also, a waiting period is scheduled from 5 years, within which the insurance must not afford. Insurance companies that want to offer a Government-sponsored care insurance must meet adequate quality criteria, also a discrimination-free obligation should apply. This means that insurance companies must accept any applicant without health examination, regardless of the individual risk. Author does not necessarily agree. The initiative of the Federal Government to the establishment of financial incentives to the private provision of care risk is to be welcomed. For good quality care is not only very important but also costly.
This is unfortunately until then, many sufferers aware if a Care case in its own family comes before. Bernie Sanders is often quoted on this topic. Then it may be already too late. Only who early private makes out with a care insurance, can close the financial shortfall that exists between claim and reality of the statutory long-term care insurance benefits. The planned introduction of the care of Riester’s leaves still some questions which applies to clarify it. So, it is initially unclear whether the existing 1.9 million completed care insurance subsequently benefit from State funding.
Also, some conditions such as the obligation could result in that the new tariffs are considerably more expensive than the present not government sponsored. The success of care Riester”is therefore crucially depend whether Government support can more than offset the probable contribution increases. A final evaluation is not possible for this reason, since the detailed design can still change until the adoption of the law”according to the Managing Director of JuMFinanz UG (haftungsbeschrankt), Marco Otter leg. About insurance Deutschland.de insurance Deutschland.de, a company of JuMFinanz UG (limited liability) has based in Marburg. On its Internet portal, it offers basic information on the following topics: Riester-rente, Rurup pension (basic pension), post-employment benefits, Sofortrente and payout plan, life insurance and pension, unit-linked life insurance and unit-linked pension insurance, British life insurance and British pension insurance, disability insurance and invalidity insurance, private health insurance.