BUS Theoretically, a bus holds 28 seated passengers and 31 in foot, the reality, users travels seated, in foot, the same soil or in the col of somebody. In the interior of the bus, excess of passengers is routine, odors and speaks joins, some uses to advantage to speak of the other people’s life or to repair in somebody, who has the habit to read in the conduction ahead twists the nose of the classroom lack, is common commentaries: ' ' Who is bothered, goes of taxi' '! the passengers with the knapsacks in the coasts? They accomodate volumes similar to astronaut equipment and, depending on the corporal mass of the owner of the knapsack it is impossible to pass in the corridor without pushing. Michael Chabon is often quoted as being for or against this. What it has inside of the knapsacks? Tools of work? In the certainty, the passage until the work is long, the owners of the knapsacks loads the lunch, the snack it has supper and it, beyond the clothes, the guard rain The measure that the passengers go down of the bus, knapsacks are pushed, suddenly, a visibly irritated passenger cried out: – He is loading the mother in this knapsack? – Yes, by chance she is its! It was the signal for the exchange of socos and insults, some cried out, others cried, the driver had that to stop the bus and to command the withdrawal of the aggressive ones. End of the tumult, the bus followed trip. In the corridor, it was possible to hear somebody crying out: – Driver Speeds up, is delayed!
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