Kuldare Tools

Could it be that place and landslide? A few seasons had to spend here. In late October, was becoming cold, the sun on the bottom of the gorge Kuldary looks only for 4-5 hours, and at night the water froze in the circles. Us, as it is Paradoxically, in a sunny Tajikistan had not suffered from the heat and the cold! I will not dwell on all the aspects of raskopochnyh works, suffice it to say that the first stone products encountered in the bottom 11th of the soil, almost completely eroded, were found only on the twelfth day of work. In the end it turned out that this place survived two paleosols, superimposed on each other and separated by a carbonate crust. Top 11 All-paleosols preserved incomplete, and the underlying 12-I remained entirely.

5 stone products for conventional Paleolithic loess material met both at the base of the 11th and at the top of the 12th of the soil. They are few, definable only 40 pieces. This, though small, but all the same industry. Small, the industry was not only quantitatively, but first and foremost on its size. The bulk of flakes and fragments has a length of 2-4 cm, the product of more than 5 cm in length make up only 5%. Small and number of guns.

These are just some featureless scrapers, awls and skreblovidnye tools. Sharp edges of some of the fragments could be used as a burin. Surprising piece of quartzite tools who handled both sides of small chipped. It is similar to bifas. Plates there is little, there are only 2-3 lamellar flake. Nucleus with two interesting character bilateral and unilateral yadrischa very small dimensions: diameter of the first – 4 cm, second, and even less – 3.5 cm If they find a separate, outside of the geological context, none of the experts would have made these products so the ancient age. Findings in Kuldare once again forced to reflect on the question of the importance of typological definitions for the chronological divisions of archaeological sites. After all, do not be such flawless stratigraphic terms, the definition is so deep-age of a small complex of stone tools from Kuldary would be impossible. Thus, despite the poverty of the collection, we can confidently say that the line of 750-850 thousand years to the Paleolithic of Central Asia has already passed. In all evidence, not far off when the antiquity of the human race in Central Asia will be millions of years, maybe more.