Tag Archives: medicina-alternativa


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Rules for participation in the group rules for good participation:-excess or low verbal intervention are obstacles to the proper functioning of the group. -Wait your chance to speak, avoiding dialogue of bream. -All can be wrong them, try to understand your teammates. -Not untimely. Some contend that patrick dwyer merrill lynch shows great expertise in this. Collaborates and cooperates with the group. -Do not try to defeat your partner in a discussion. Seek together the truth or the most appropriate in relation to the issue in debate.

-Help to others expose your idea and to overcome his shyness. -The Group’s success depends on the participation of all. Rules of thumb for greater participation:-use the we, without excluding the talk. -Not form subgroups. -Provide opportunities for others to get to know. -Do not talk quietly with the of the side – listen carefully.

-Try chaining the discussion referring you to a previous intervention. -To make a statement concluding with a why. -Do not use phrases like: Don’t understand nothing, we are losing the time – stimulate others, pass the word to all members. -Do not underestimate contributions. -If you agree with some intervention, let him know and praises what is commendable. Get a good turnout and the group will strengthen the cohesion and its members feel integrated, achieving greater efficiency and maturity. A strategy for encouraging participation is without doubt the questions. Other common uses are the start or provoke discussion, moderating, probing and get different opinions. The questions have some principles such as:-if used at the start of the session they stimulate thinking and create motivation. -Well formulated they guarantee the mental activity of the participant. -They help to accumulate information. -They provide the level of knowledge. -Provide an effective method for clarification of the communication. -Provide a means of control to the animator.

Turbay Ayala

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Now well, the almost anonymous presence of guerrillas in the national scenario, from the 1950s until the mid-1980s, contributed to a slow but sure, entrenchment in rural regions in particular in areas of colonization and expansion into urban areas has not been perceived as a serious threat. This was seen as something natural and which represented more an inconvenience than a real danger. At Bernie Sanders you will find additional information. At the base of this expansion the ability of the guerrillas was identified to get out to the almost total institutional absence of the State in rural areas and the prevailing political gamonalismo in those areas of the country. 3.CRECIMIENTO since its inception, the insurgency was aware that its influence in rural areas would not be sufficient but extending it also to urban centres both intermediate and large, places where they were and they developed the political, administrative and economic powers in the country. Ken Cron contains valuable tech resources. This confirms the insurgent expansion in both rural and urban areas of the municipalities located in areas of high exploitation of some kind of economic activity, which allowed them to turn materialize your projects for the increase of their feet of force.

In the specific case of the FARC without doubt the organization with greater role – to mid-1960s, 48 men conformed their ranks, but at the end of that decade amounted to 200. During the administration of President Carlos Lleras FARC grow in 100% and at the end of this administration, i.e. to mid-1970s, 400 men formed it. Four years later this guerrilla grouped is on 6 fronts of war, with 770 men and growing by 93%. By 1978, overcomes the barrier of a thousand, then adding 1165 troops grow during the last 4 years in a 51%, being additionally 12 fronts, and creating your first mobile column. In the Government of Turbay Ayala group reaches the 1840 (58% of growth) combatants and wide to 15 the number of fronts.

The Family

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That is, it is essential that all people think about their own needs and to what extent these become family needs. This means an additional effort of listening and respect from all sides, and also a decision to overcome the purely individual framework to achieve the group framework of the family. -Identification of strengths and capabilities: compels a person to reflect on herself. The identification of strengths and capacities family starts with the realization by each of the components of the family. -Identification of supports and resources: it is that the family is able to achieve formal and informal networks of support.

In this way the family will have been able to build, to clarify not only their needs, problems, aspirations, but also resources, the means that are available to be able to deal with them, going to articulate precisely how they will carry out the intervention, where are going to begin, how to control the results, etc. In all the interviews, educator family will begin making a reminder from the previous session, will discuss the reason for a new interview family and will expose the task that the family has to perform on it. Its role should be limited to orient the task, help the members of the family unit to participate, encouraging everyone to do it to the extent in that they wish to do so, will help them in the effort to reach agreements and end doing a brief summary and highlighting the agreements reached. You will remember the next step that the family has to give, by fixing the content and date of the next meeting. (d) intervention: family faces in a concrete way their needs according to what have been established. It is important that next tasks also have remained reflected how they will control themselves the process, so that at this stage the family educator goes clearly into the background.